Russian IT Union
New Ukrainian laws

Unions are against the enslavement of workers in Ukraine

“Socialny Rukh” (Social Movement) initialized the petition demanding the President of Ukraine to veto bills No. 5161 and No. 5371. The first law deprives employees of a stable income, and the second allows for unjustified dismissal. In these two laws, deputies voted to legalize zero-day contracts and permitted depriving up to 70% of the country’s workforce of the protection guaranteed by national labor laws. The latter measure means that the national labor code no longer applies to workers in small and medium-sized enterprises....

August 8, 2022 · 2 min
On corporate values. Game Insight insists that the equipment is to be shipped back at the employees' cost. Will the liquidator leave employees empty-handed? One demand for all

On corporate values. Game Insight insists that the equipment is to be shipped back at the employees' cost. Will the liquidator leave employees empty-handed? One demand for all

Corporate values ​​are very important! «It’s about taking care of our company and each other», this is how Mark Zuckerberg formulated the three values ​​of «Meta, metamates, me». But will one of the richest people on the planet really support his colleagues? According to our data, soon (August 2022), Meta plans to cut costs due to declining profits. Zuckerberg decided to boost performance goals and get rid of those «shipmates» who «shouldn’t be here»....

July 10, 2022 · 9 min · author4
ship, shipmates, self

"We are on the same boat!": Game Insight complains about circumstances and doesn't want to pay employees whilst having a net profit of €4 million

About a week ago we wrote about the Game Insight situation. Back then we only suspected that the company plans to avoid paying compensation to the downsizing employees. Now it is clear that they don’t want to follow the laws and rules: a liquidator representative has talked to the employees to clarify the situation. A liquidator is a private company that makes money by closing other organizations. And Game Insight has hired one in Russia....

July 3, 2022 · 4 min · author4
This is fine

Tuggin IT people during the war in Ukraine

Military conflict in Ukraine rages on. A nationwide tragedy makes Ukrainians cast aside their differences and unite in the face of a threat to their national identity and physical existence: spontaneous communities of mutual assistance are being formed, and volunteer initiative is off the charts. However, the laws of market competition take their toll even in such a terrible situation. While bombs are falling, local Ukrainian authorities are waging their own war - a war for IT people....

June 11, 2022 · 5 min · author7
Strike in Sri Lanka

Nationwide strike in Sri Lanka

On May 6, 2,000 industry trade unions held a nationwide strike, which was attended by trade unions: medical workers, bank employees, railway workers, teachers, power engineers, port workers, postal workers, oil workers. The strikes have been going on since the beginning of April, but there is little information about the actions of the strikers. On April 28, The All Ceylon United Teachers Union (The All Ceylon United Teachers Union) brought 240,000 teachers and 16,000 school principals to the streets....

May 9, 2022 · 3 min · author2
Kirill Ukraintsev

We have bad news. Kirill Ukraintsev was arrested. Need support

Kirill Ukraintsev made a great contribution to the development of the independent trade union movement in the Russian Federation. In June 2020, he became chairman of the Courier trade union. Kirill managed to organize more than 300 couriers, laying the foundation of a trade union that fights for its rights to this day. The first result of the union of couriers into a trade union was the full payment of salary debts under the threat of a strike....

May 3, 2022 · 5 min · author4

Organize your union

На фоне оттока кадров и сокращения рабочих мест, глава РАЭК предложил создать профсоюз для IT-специалистов. Но такое предложение звучит не впервые, идея создания профсоюза в IT-отрасли звучала и на конференции в Иннополисе в ноябре 2021 года, и чуть ранее в интервью с гендиректором АНО “Россия – страна возможностей”, и даже на Хабре. В общем, предложение правильное и разумное, но как профсоюз, управляемый бизнесом, сможет нормально представлять интересы работников? Ведь бизнесу хочется нанять работника подешевле да с квалификацией повыше, а работник наоборот, хочет зарплату, соответствующую квалификации, ДМС получше да удобное рабочее место....

April 14, 2022 · 2 min · author5, author2

Сотрудники Activision Blizzard добились постоянных трудовых договоров

Activision Blizzard анонсировала, что временные и внештатные сотрудники группы по контролю качества (QA) подразделений Activision Publishing (AP) и Blizzard переводятся в штат с 1 июля. Это примерно 1100 человек, занятых преимущественно тестированием игр и других продуктов компании. Джессика Тейлор, вице-президент Activision Blizzard по корпоративным коммуникациям, заявила, что с 17 апреля у них будет новая минимальная почасовая ставка в 20$ (по некоторым данным, оплата была $18,5 в час), а также эти сотрудники получат право участвовать в бонусном плане компании и получать полагающиеся штатным сотрудникам преференции....

April 13, 2022 · 3 min

KGB ban unions

On April 7, 2022, the KGB of the Republic of Belarus recognized the trade union of radio-electronic industry workers as an extremist organization. The REP trade union was founded in 1990, its founders were 93 primary trade union cells. Now it unites more than 2000 employees. In addition, the trade union is a member of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions, as well as the international trade union IndustriALL, which unites more than 50 million workers around the world....

April 12, 2022 · 2 min · author6, author2

Yandex fires employees in Michigan

On March 29, The Verge reported that Yandex fired more than two dozen employees from its division in Ann Arbor (USA, Michigan), which was engaged in the development of unmanned vehicles and robotic delivery in partnership with GrubHub. The company calls the revocation of licenses the official reason for the dismissal. The Michigan Department of Transportation itself (MDOT) denies this fact. And the company presented a slightly different version of the situation to the dismissed employees, blaming the suspension of work and dismissals on the governor of the state, who was forced to ask for the revocation of licenses due to complaints about a Russian company collecting data on American roads....

April 8, 2022 · 2 min · author14

Don't waste your personal time at work

Recently, a senior developer of a large oil company turned to our IT union for advice. After employment for remote work, it suddenly turned out that not all document flow takes place in electronic form. And to sign some documents, I had to go to the employer’s office from a neighboring region once or twice a month at the expense of personal time. The immediate supervisor could not or did not want to solve this problem....

April 7, 2022 · 2 min · author5, author2

Intel stops work in Russia

Intel has announced that it is suspending all operations in Russia. And at the same time, it closes the Russian development office in Nizhny Novgorod and transfers 1,200 employees to idle with salary retention. Previously, the company had already received a warning from the Ministry of Labor about the inadmissibility of downtime, but this did not stop them. Many excellent open source tools were developed in this office, including: OpenCV, OpenVINO, CVAT and other libraries for machine learning and GPU computing....

April 6, 2022 · 1 min · author2

Union digest. IT companies are fleeing Russia. Dismissal on a national basis. IT serfs. Local vibes

Hi colleagues, Here is a first union digest, filled up with last month’s events in IT. Most of them are related to recent tragic events. IT Union is not a political organization. Our mission is to help employees fight for their rights, regardless of their citizenship. However, union is able to influence decisions taken by certain states if these decisions affect the rights of employees (e.g. in case of increase the retirement age), but it’s only possible if the majority of industry employees are the part of union....

March 30, 2022 · 6 min · author4

Nationwide strike in India

On Monday, March 28, a nationwide two-day strike began in India, organized by the country’s ten central labor unions. It was attended by 200 million workers, farmers and concerned citizens, which constitutes about a quarter of the working population. People took to the streets of cities in the industrial and extractive regions of the country, dissatisfied with the antipeople government policies, people took to the streets of cities in industrial and resource-producing areas of the country....

March 29, 2022 · 2 min · author2

Decree on serfs

The other day, the government issued a decree on support measures IT industry. The text of the decree on IT companies: Allocate from the budget funds for grants. Provide preferential loans at a rate of up to 3%. Cancel income tax. Give tax benefits. Exempt from tax and other checks, apparently from labor too. To provide IT companies with a sales market by stimulating purchases. Employees of IT companies:...

March 4, 2022 · 2 min · author5, author2

Galleys dump ballast overboard

The international labor market is closing, and with it access to a huge number of jobs and high salaries. Some Russian IT companies export employees under the threat of sanctions, and specialists experience problems when applying for jobs in foreign companies. Companies fleeing sanctions offer their employees 3 options: Business trip to neutral countries for several months without a family and for rented housing Transfer to projects that have not yet been sanctioned - Throw yourself overboard Looking for a job By law, the dismissal of each individual employee must occur in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and separate articles are provided for mass reductions in the Labor Code....

March 2, 2022 · 2 min · author5

You are being followed legally

Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation come into force on March 1. One of the amendments legalizes remote video, audio or other recording of production processes. Previously, such surveillance was also legal by virtue of Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which an employer can require employees to perform their duties and comply with the work regime. There has been a revision of the law, where the ability to monitor an employee is clearly spelled out and is not subject to revision....

February 28, 2022 · 2 min · author5
poll result

Freedom in action city

At the beginning of February in Ukraine, the state launched the project «Dia City», which has been preparing for a long time. On the part of the state, the project is led by the Minister of Digital Transformation, the director of the design agency Mikhail Fedorov and his deputy director of the advertising agency Alexander Bornyakov. Now the owners of IT companies can voluntarily change the employment regime for their employees to a more free one: IT specialists of Ukraine will stop suffering from official labor contracts and will be able to work as gig workers under gig contracts....

February 26, 2022 · 3 min · author2

Workers method of salary indexing

Employees of «Kazakhtelecom», in Almaty, went on strike on January 31. More than a hundred linemen from the cable shop refused to go to work and staged a spontaneous strike near the company’s office demanding an increase in wages. Recently, they have been transferred to the category of universal workers, cutting social benefits and allowances for qualifications. The company’s management responded to the strike with tough and decisive measures. As a matter of urgency, additional payments to employees in the amount of 1 billion tenge were made on the same day, and on February 2, the company allocated another 7 billion tenge to increase salaries....

February 9, 2022 · 1 min · author2

Result of 2021 year

2021 год продолжил бум платформенного капитализма в мире вообще и в России в особенности. Из-за пандемии и развития цифровых технологий услуги курьеров, таксистов и онлайн-ритейла становятся всё более востребованы. Но этот рост происходит не в вакууме, а посреди победоносного шествия неолиберализма, требующего отказа от социальных и трудовых гарантий. В результате в развивающихся отраслях люди нанимаются не на трудовые договоры, а на ГПХ. Юридически и экономически безграмотным людям объясняют, что ГПХ значит “самозанятость”, возможность “самому распоряжаться своим временем” и “не работать на дядю”....

December 31, 2021 · 3 min · author0