Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation come into force on March 1. One of the amendments legalizes remote video, audio or other recording of production processes. Previously, such surveillance was also legal by virtue of Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which an employer can require employees to perform their duties and comply with the work regime. There has been a revision of the law, where the ability to monitor an employee is clearly spelled out and is not subject to revision.
The employer has received a legal right. And the employee can only silently agree to any means of control on the part of the employer or go to look for another employer who has not yet spent money on means of control. In fact, problems are beginning to arise with finding work in various fields of activity, and fewer and fewer workers can afford to “vote with their feet”.
A little bit about the consequences of control. Tightening control over employees leads to an increase in the intensity of work and a greater expenditure of effort. As a result, there is less and less energy left for life outside of work.
It is also worth remembering the mass dismissal at Xsolla, where 147 employees were dismissed based on the decision of the control system. For an example of employee control, you can watch a video where an Amazon dispatcher monitors drivers.
Someone will say that the employer is forced to exercise control, and control itself often does not interfere with work. Perhaps, but think about whether the employee will be able to resist the employer if the employer decides to use controls to the detriment of the employee’s interests. Isn’t it easier to protect your rights collectively? That’s what trade unions were invented for.